Orchid Music
Orchid Music album released on Neuma Records.
Orchid Music is an ongoing project encompassing modules that explore orchids through music, art and engagement.
Module: Florida Native Orchid DNA Sonified
A sound installation.
Ten small self-powered outdoor player-speaker units project music based on the DNA sequence of ten Florida native orchid species.
The music is based on the sonification of the first 1000 characters of Encyclia tampensis, Cyrtopodium punctatum, Pogonia ophioglossoides, Encyclia cochleata, Sacoila lanceolata, Platanthera cristata, Epidendrum anceps, Epidendrum magnoliae, Dendrophylax lindenii and Ionopsis utricularioides DNA nucleotide. The ACGT characters were converted to musical markers driving melodies, rhythms and timbres. Each orchid was assigned a particular sonic world, including those of a custom-made synthesizer, water, clay pots, paper, wood, musical instruments, speech and even typewriters. Together, they present a diverse sonic landscape, intertwining into a chorale that reminds us of their beauty, fragility, intensity and importance in our environment.
Module: Build an Orchid City.
An interactive media installation.
Build an orchid city out the used plastic pots.
Think LEGO blocks.
We are able to enjoy and nurture the plants in our homes, providing them with artificial growing environment: the plant pots. Used and recycled, the pots have become historical artifacts of our relationship and interaction with plants.
Create architectural structures and shapes with the plastic pots that once hosted orchids. Make your own. Reconfigure them freely. Engage and play.
Module: Orchid Love Forever. A Memorial board.
An interactive media installation.
Pin the orchid name tags on the board. Outline the letters. Create your own shapes and patterns.
Every orchid lover knows the place called The Orchid Heaven, a destination for orchids that die. What is left? The memories and tags carrying their names remain with us. Over 10 years of growing, many of my plants departed for The Orchid Heaven. Here are their tags. Help me to commemorate them with this memorial board.
Module: Florida Native Orchid Synthesizer and Sequencer.
An interactive sound installation.
Instructions: Operate the mixer and create your own music sequences.
We are able to enjoy and nurture the plants in our homes, providing them with artificial growing environment: the plant pots. Used and recycled, the pots become historical artifacts of our relationship and interaction with plants.
Create architectural structures made from used plastic pots that once hosted orchids. Make your own structures. Reconfigure them freely. Engage and play.
- Year composed: 2019-Present
- Instrumentation: sound installation, art media, engagement pieces
- Duration (performance): continuous
- With support from Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, Miami Beach Botanical Garden, the City of Miami Beach, University of Miami and Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Miami-Dade County Mayor and Board of County Commissioners.
Presentation History
- March 11 & 12, 2022 Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden.
- March 8, 2023 Aspen Ideas: Climate Conference. New World Symphony Soundscape.
- March 5: Aspen Ideas: Climate Conference. Miami Beach Botanical Garden.
- March 3: Aspen Ideas: Climate Conference. Miami Beach Botanical Garden.
- November 25, 2022 Orchid Music: For Marcel Proust. Orchid DNA Synthesizer and Sequencer video. Marcel Proust – il segno e il senso. Florence, Italy.
- October 7-9, 2022: Redland Orchid Festival. Fruit and Spice Park, Homestead, FL.
- May 13-15, 2022: Tamiami International Orchid Festival. Miami, FL.
- April 6-10, 2022: American Orchid Society Centennial Celebration, Miami, FL.
- March 19- May 8, 2022: Flamingo Gardens. Davie, FL.
- March 12 & 13, 2022 : Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, Miami, FL.
- October 1-3, 2021: Tamiami International Orchid Show.
- March 12- 21, 2021. Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden, Miami Fl.
- December 3-5, 2020. Miami Beach Botanic Garden, Miami Fl.
- October 23, 2020. Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden, Miami Fl.
- March 2020. Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden, Miami Fl.
Orchid Music
Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden
Miami, FL