Photos by H. Golen



Juraj Kojs

Neraissance: Muscle-powered Multimedia


Best of Award 2010 for Art Performance (Miami New Times)

"If energy could be seen and heard, it would look and sound like those 20 minutes..." Miami New Times Blog

Neraissance (Neo-Renaissance) is an avant-garde muscle-powered multimedia work that combines movement, performance art, dance, music and technology. Human performers and various analog and digital technologies create a network of ecological relationships, investigating the role of kinetic energy in artistic context. In particular, two dancers operate two stationary bicycles, which are attached to two magnetic motors. During the performance, the dancers produce enough energy to power devices such as sewing machine, radios, alarm clocks, fans and holiday lights. Technology enables the performance artist and dancers to develop an imaginative world of intense and energy-charged images that breathe, move, peak and dissolve.

Watch video excerpts here.

Duration: ca. 21 minutes

Performance schedule at the Arsht Center Studio Theater:
Thursday 3/4/10 at 7PM (public dress rehearsal)
Friday 3/5/10 at 7PM
Saturday 3/6/10 at 7PM
Sunday 3/7/10 at 2PM

Performance Artist and Costumes: Jasmine Kastel
Dancers: Alexey Taran and Carla Forte
Lights: Travis Neff
Composer-performer Music and Sound: Juraj Kojs
Audio Technology Assistance: Nayla Mehdi
Conceived and directed by Juraj Kojs

Watch Promo video here.

Get your tickets here.


Special thanks go to the Miami Light Project and Adrienne Arsht Center
for commissioning the piece, to the performers Alexey Taran, Carla Forte
and Jasmine Kastel for hard work and inspiration, and to Sheila Kerr of
Windtstream Power for technical consultations.